Regional Cancer Care Associates (Doctors & Clinics) in North Bergen
Full information about Regional Cancer Care Associates in North Bergen: address, opening hours, phone, fax, email, website. Regional Cancer Care Associates on the map, description and reviews.
Contact details of Regional Cancer Care Associates:
7650 River Rd, FL 2, North Bergen, New Jersey (NJ), 07047
(201) 464-0008
EditRegional Cancer Care Associates opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 09:00 - 17:00, Saturday - Sunday: Closed
EditReviews about Regional Cancer Care Associates:
About Regional Cancer Care Associates:
Business E-mail: [email protected]
Some people think that a cancer diagnosis means it’s the end of the road, but the team at Regional Cancer Care Associates believes differently. Regional Cancer Care Associates at 7650 River Rd., FL 2, North Bergen, NJ, 07047 provides individually customized treatment plans that incorporate the latest research and technology to effectively treat cancer. The team at Regional Cancer Care Associates consists of specialists, nurses and support staff who work together to bring relief and healing. After an initial consultation, you immediately experience why this organization is the area’s top choice for cancer care. By offering well-rounded support to both patients and families, specialists deliver high-quality solutions to individuals with complex diagnoses. A variety of cancer treatments are offered, including radiosurgery, integrative care and chemotherapy. Patients also have the option to participate in clinical trials. Learn more about available services by visiting their website today.
Immunotherapy - Each day researchers are hard at work to discover brand-new ways to treat cancer. Immunotherapy is one especially promising development in the treatment of patients with cancer. For some individuals at Regional Cancer Care Associates, immunotherapy is the first line of defense after diagnosis. For others, the treatment offers hope when other options fail to deliver results.
Hematology, Palliative Care - Our fellowship-trained hematologists have the knowledge, compassion and the extensive experience to diagnose and help you manage cancers of the blood and blood-forming tissues. We also treat non-cancerous hematologic conditions, such as various types of anemia, the thalassemias, von Willebrand disease, polycythemia vera, and other disorders of clotting in adult patients.
Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy - One of the most common types of cancer treatment is known as chemotherapy, or “chemo.” Chemotherapy refers to a set of powerful drugs that attack and kill cancer cells. While every Regional Cancer Care Associates patient’s treatment plan is different, many of them can expect to receive chemo at some point in their cancer journey.
Doctors & Clinics nearest to Regional Cancer Care Associates:
Mri Center At Palisades North Bergen, Doctors & Clinics; 7600 River Rd, North Bergen, NJ, 07047-6217; (201) 854-0800
Popa A MD North Bergen, Doctors & Clinics; 1 Marine Plz#102, North Bergen, NJ, 07047-6234; (201) 662-9122
Roth Neil S MD North Bergen, Doctors & Clinics; 7704 Marine Rd, North Bergen, NJ, 07047-6203; (201) 295-0923
Santa Fe Physical Therapy North Bergen, Doctors & Clinics; 7512 Kennedy Blvd E, North Bergen, NJ, 07047-4087; (201) 295-9464